
Oh god my partner is going to be so sad. She just had her baby aww hope she's okay.

I can dance on the head of a pin, as well!

Make THAC(0) great again!

Oops I mixed up old and new. 

Holy shit I played through the incomplete translated rom so many times. Loved that game.

Damn Kevin the werewolf is bae. Now where's my Legend of Mana port? No remakes, please 

Has anyone else seen that film about a train robbery reenacted by the indicted criminals and the cops who caught them? Surreal. Anyways trains are dope.

Get this man a star!

I played three Blair witch games and damn were they tame.

This is what I always say to people! How can she become a dark Phoenix if she was never Phoenix? How can you drive home the irony of her attempts to save lives wiping out an entire people(almost, comics)? And WHY DOES SHE ABSORB SPACE JUNK IF SHE WAS ALREADY PHOENIXY LAS TIME!!

Fortunately my grandma, tougehat woman I know, called the cops for my cousins and threw her husband in jail. Don't feel good yet. He moved back in after time served and he got to stay an elder.

That'd be true if they cared more about people than they did their relationship with God. To wit, we are brainwashed to never doubt the wisdom of the elders and defy their orders.

This happened to my ex! Broke up before it was resolved.

Yes. Playing is implicit support. Youre not giving them money but imagine i you played a game with a new player aan they have a great time. They may give riot money. Only way players walking out would work though is if the community is talking about it to spread it and actually not playing.

This summer, the American institution hops the pond... Peppa’s Purge. Only in theaters.

I never made it out of the Hinterlands. Should I get Inquisition? DA2 made me think that crap was standard.

I'm poorer than the servers. I don't feel bad about it.

My now fortunately dead grandfather molested two of my cousins at once which is the only reason he was finally outed to the police after years of molesting my cousins individually. He was reported but ignored after basically a tribunal among elders. He got to stay an elder, basically the priestly class.

Honestly, what kind of kitten befriends a giraffe?!

This an excuse to get hurt, and to hurt.