
I know this is super articulate but FUCK YEAH

Worse part of Troy for me was the Australian accent. Like damn I get that British equals foreign but.. 

I'm palpitating from the possibility, you might say 

God Montana's dialogue in this episode was a masterpiece. “You can’t sing a song like Rebel Yell unless you’re a rebel in your heart!" Something like that.

Yep definitely got fault in our Stars/walk to remember vibes from the trailer. But now that I think of it, he does seem ethereal in the trailer.

Derek's gonna save the day. He's literally a machine with a god inside him now.

I'm gay but Braun can get it any day and I'll check it out 🔥

It's funny that in by the time period of the original Tactics, moogles are extinct, and yet they persist in the far future. Life uh, finds a way 

Great series but definitely wasn't allowed to watch it til I was a teenager. Hope Freddy's left you alone. The first one I saw was #5 I think, with the gluttony and motorcycle kills. Definitely gross. Didn't get how funny they were for many years. 

When I was 7 and more naive than your average seven year old because of religion, my babysitters decided to put on Alien. The alien itself didn’t mess me up but Ash’s still talking decapitated head plagued me for years.

That happened in Elm Street 2.

How have I missed Perez is playing Montoya??? So fucking happy to see her.

The Moonwalker pic reminded me that the 1989 Batman soundtrack was originally envisioned almost like a musical duel with MJ playing Batman and Prince playing the Joker. Prince had to pull double duty, which is why we got the half Batman, half Joker "Gemini" character in the music videos. The video for Batdance is

She has one sound and two voices. What am I missing?

I’m subscribed to Next Door Studios.

I love the lack of adherence to the source work. In fact this has been going on with superheroes since they’ve been adapted. Superman vs the Mole Men, Turkish Batman, the Japanese Spider-Man show...all interesting works that are barely related to the source. That’s the nature of myth, it’s reinterpreted through the

I use the bus exclusively but I live in a city and I know many rural places and even small towns have little to nobus service. I just get frustrated when people say we only have today, our lives are short, live it up. Not thinking about other people. I try not to be rude about it though. I just get fired up.

I mean, what’s a cave man? But his appeal is prehistoric, primal, uncivilized. Clan of the Cave Bear is only a step away from this.

Cavemen are in, robots are out!!

Prince’s death first killed me but realizing someone someday will deepfake him into a better Jafar, for a better Aladdin, has helped me sleep. We can keep the new Aladdin tho, he’s cuuuute. Just as long as I can also soon Eternal sunshine the Will Smith Genie sequences from my heretofore spotless mind. Can your