Does this dude have a lot of followers or are you just taking down a liar for fun?
Does this dude have a lot of followers or are you just taking down a liar for fun?
Superman wears his underwear on the outside. Batman is scared of bats so he dresses like one. And mutants call each other Rogue, Nightcrawler, and Mystique, It is so ridiculous. These are also some of the properties of drag queens. And I love both.
Raising my nephew. Lots of strange computer made videos of popular characters mixed with strange ones like the Ghostface killer from Scream. And they’re all skinned in strange colors doing inane and nonsense stuff to stock music and the Fingerfamily song. There is an excellent Medium article about this shit.
Oh man the turn a and turn x gundams are amazing and designed by him.
I had SimCity 2000 for the ps1 and i would load up the biggest premade city and just unleash disaster upon disaster.
Experienced the power of the ideomotor effect myself many times, as long qs i believed it was ghosts.
It’ll be empty on the glorious day no one believes it. Until then people like me who study religion but don’t believe will be useful. I grew up Jehovah’s witness so i am actively anti cult.
What do you think is official? Before Christianity, Satan was essentially the defense attorney on behalf of a fallen humanity. It wasn’t until christian scriptures were written that satan became straight up evil. What you call official documents, the canonized scriptures, were decided upon by a council long after…
Nah, satanism is neither a crtiticsm of Christianity nor a rebuttal.
Me toooo!!
I fuckin love this movie and the bizarre remix game that came out for PS1.
The slavs got a copy of hitchhiker about 400 years early
Never leave home without your towel. Because you can make a river she can’t crose with it.
I look almost exactly the same, just with terra concord greaves!! Nice taste :p
Dante’s inferno....
N north sometimes still says that wizard came from the moon.
holy crap, he read his bible.
my bestie and i were cracking up at the old, dead taylor trying to be a badass. hahahahaha
Nah, bad people have careers, look at brett ratner. X men dude likes young men.