
The real issue was adapting all 7 evil exes into something less than 3 hours. The graphic novels also span a year of in-universe time, and the movie approximately a month. None of it really makes much sense in the movie outside of the underlying video game logic

Eragon really rips off Star Wars. Like really really rips off Star Wars. The hero's journey isn't what he was working with, he started with Star Wars

I liked one thing in particular about Rohl's performance/how Abigail was written with this episode, and it was obvious I thought in the hospital scene. Abigail sounds like a puppet of Will's throughout the episode. Her dialog sounds like things Will would say, and it sounds like he's making her talk. Her body language

hey speech to text is only getting better after that its just editing probs cant be the worst i'm glad they transcribed it made it possible to read this and listen to a different podcast

Hannibal is shown in multiple episodes in season 1 reading from Tattlecrime.com on a Sony Tablet S

Benjo Brangus?

fun s7 fact, the only black man I can recall with speaking lines is Redd Foxx!

Seriously I walked out and just laughed at the people who got tricked two more times in the same decade by the exact same shit.

Um, that changes nothing about the fact that the second trilogy really really was boring and dumb and poorly shot and poorly acted and poorly written with giant plot holes, an entire unnecessary movie that wasn't referenced in the other two movies of an incredibly unnecessary trilogy of movies. Each was sloppily

I hope Andy is the mayor of twin peaks when we return. He should be in charge of everything

There's gonna be new characters. There was new music for FWWM. They had the same 30 something episodes too for 25 years, this is a new production with new scripts, new characters, and featuring a director who did not direct that many episodes of the series. It will be different in tone and direction.

Why would having a child change who you are that fundamentally? Why do parents not get the benefit of being able to have and express feelings? Children are almost uniformly a mistake and no one should have them but responsibility toward them is negotiable, clearly, since what counts as a decent father has changed

Also, if you can, seek out the Q2 fan edit Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me.

Just think of it as shifting to a bold new unintentional style of comedy

I'm a little sad no one's mentioned ChipCheezum and GeneralIronicus, they make some quality LPs of the Metal Gear series and also did a fantastic Wonderful 101 LP. Besides that, the funniest group I've seen, by far, is the Men Drinkin Coffee. There's a real conviviality and willingness to be entertained in their

He's also stated a low opinion of himself as a voice actor, which is a shame considering his incredible work in Frisky Dingo. Wendell should be in season 7! He'd fit right in!

Sounds like the OP is referring to the Septuagint or whatever the original Greek text was called, not the translation into English, which, well, translation is tricky!

Season 7 is probably my favorite and to my taste the most consistent season Sunny ever put together, with what is by far its strongest season finale. Fat Mac, while obviously untenable, is so goddamned hilarious. To be fair I got into Sunny proper at season 7, but I'm not sure what about the Jersey Shore episode

Two Z's in Aziz Ansari

He crashes through the window in the werewolf episode like in Manhunter.