
with the managerial genius behind HankCo working there, shouldn't be a problem

Yep he switched to normal cigs when he was back on terra firma for the funeral, it's dope they have an eye for detail like that, though he smoked cigs on gargantua 1 in the first season if I'm recalling correctly.

it's a street in chicago! there are rib joints
some parts of that street aren't pleasant

I'm honestly hoping this ends up being some kind of multimedia plot extending into season 10 where the book is in canon and something they bring up.

I dunno I mean, it's not like they aren't committed through the rest of the 2010s with movies already in various stages of production, those can't be canceled and they cannot reasonably go to a director and tell them to drop huge aspects of the movie like who the main character is, huge parts of the script, the cast,

Honestly I'm ambivalent on Reynolds, he's just another handsome white dude in the handsome white dude industry I'll let him live you know
the script direction special effects and general story were problems with that movie that getting a handsome white dude from the handsome white dude store isn't gonna solvehonestly

He IS vengeance, and also the night



Wait why HASN'T The Tonight Show just been The Muppets Tonight for decades now, Kermit, there's a guy who can interview a celebrity
hard hitting man on the street segments with Gonzo
The Roots still could be the house band

Fred Armisen is busy being awful and awful and who thinks you get a show you stupid idiot on IFC

You're On With Ron (nights) would revolutionize when I get all of my sensual woodworking done

why are you so full of wisdom
i know why you're full of cookies

Wow, and also did he slip into character as Tracy Jordan like permanently at some point in the last 7 years I saw him in an ad and I swear it was like a commercial from 30 Rock

Quit telling us tales from the darkest timeline
wait the whitest timeline

carson's so classy

More like Party News, Jimmy, you're going to get to murder Leno and dispose of his body first episode

Amen, ?uestlove's fro is half the reason that show exists for me

Leno ushered it into cultural obsolescence by being fucking terrible for my entire lifetime.

So leno's getting Late Night huh