fleur de livres

Baby pandas her age instinctively climb as high as they can to stay relatively safe from predators so their mothers can roam to forage. They can fall long distances and just roll off it, so I wouldn't worry about her being afraid of heights. They're natural stuntmen.

Unfair, getting a doge at work would totally make my day.

Ah, is it safe to watch if you loved the book? Reading it just tore me apart and I've been avoiding seeing the movie because I don't want it to be ruined.

Haha, adorable

I feel like I'm making that face trying to pull that puppy out of my monitor.

I burst into laughter when I read this and now my mother is offended because I won't tell her what was so funny.

I've never heard of them, but definitely going to check them out! <$20 is totally reasonable for good basics.

100% identify. I've explained countless times that my style is very specific and not totally rational even to myself, but she just wants so much to buy me things, bless her heart. She's seen me go through the shopping process before and knows the rejection rate is like 98%.

I LOVE that coat! If for some reason your daughter doesn't, let me know and I'll send you my address :D

That may have to happen, if someone would buy it. Love your username.

Stressful is the exact word. It's a thousand times more difficult to work around mess than to just cleeeeeeeeeaaaannnnn iiiiiiitttttt. It drains my energy so much.

She's had various mental health...phases (I hesitate to say "fads" because no one can know what's going on in another person's head, and yet they do seem to come and go) and ADD has been among them. She's also generally on depression meds, and when I check in with her lately she talks about how it's being managed

I spend visits to my parents' house telling myself that things could be worse. My mother's not so much a hoarder as she is shamefully lazy and the house is fucking cluttered all the time. She and I use tv tables when we visit (the dining table is always buried) and we have to put them away when we leave or they too

I use Knee Defender and I'm not even sorry. My legs already dig into the seat in front of me and both my knees have gone through a lot of injuries, so reclining seats in front of me are hell. But I don't recline mine either.

There is a lot of adorable about this comment.

Wait, flight home from Texas? Can we have a drink next time you're here? :D

Oh no complaint or sarcasm! I really do like them. Correct and creative application of gifs is a skill.

I notice you have quite a flair for gifs.

Unless it was reversed, she had to give up his kids with the other woman because they were too violent with her own kids. I hate that I know this. But yeah, if "tiger blood" means making cheap sleazy jokes about a woman who apparently has been nothing but classy to you, I'll pass.

My immediate reaction to this is to think of the man Dorothy meets in the last couple episodes with whom she has sex that is "SO GOOD WE NAMED IT!" I've always thought of the show as depicting women who have been married all their adult lives learning to be happily independent and figure out what they wanted besides