I keep forgetting to bring my phone or a camera into the kitty room! But I'll post some when I do.
It is awful how little understood it is, especially considering how debilitating it can be.
Ha, yes, dream stories should just have a blanket ban (no pun intended). There's a guy at work who can talk endlessly with literally no recognition of his victim's attempts to edge away or gracefully escape the conversation. We call it the vortex. The only want to flee is to get him to latch on to some other…
Oh my goodness, that's awful and I hope you find some relief soon.
That's exactly what happens to me, which has been diagnosed a few times as migraines. I also can't tolerate heat, and have to have a cooling pad and/or cool washcloth or it just gets unbearable.
Thanks for saying that, I too can sometimes cut mine off with Excedrin, and nothing else, if it's early enough. The tricky thing is that if you take it too often (like 5 times a month) it actually CAUSES rebound headaches, so I often wait too long to see if it's just a "normal" headache, because sometimes I can't…
AH, that last part of your comment is the worst! When people tell me I'm quiet, I want to be like, "well, you're boring."
That's rough. I had a relationship end kind of like that once, and I almost wished he had cheated on me or hit me or something, just so I could say something besides "it just wasn't right."
Personally I feel the threshold is pretty high; I mean, dogs do a lot of cute things and they must be talked about.
Have you considered a different kind of booze? Amarula is unusual but delicious, for example, or Bailey's is nice this time of year since it's so delicious in hot chocolate or coffee.
She is DARLING. German shepherds are such smart, loyal dogs (although they need to be handled, trained properly, as you found out as a child) and they really seem to be interested in their people as more than just a meal ticket or belly rub. Self-training sounds like a long, tedious process, but I'm sure that she'll…
So last week I posted about my two rescue semi-feral kittens, and got a lot of really helpful advice and moral support. If any of you happen to see this new thread, I just wanted to say that we are doing MUCH MUCH better. I won them over with Gerber #2 Chicken & Gravy baby food (and omg, that jar is the most revolting…
Yes. I really like my life right now, but there's not a lot going on in it (that's one of my favorite things about it, I needed just to take a break basically). It does make catch-up conversations a little one-sided. There's only so much I can talk about the cute thing my dog did before I become THAT girl.
When in need of extra assistance, try pants so tight they compress your legs as much as possible.
Jezebel LOVES to stigmatize and pile on to people with mental health problems, as long as they give plenty of fodder for them to make fun of. Look at Amanda Bynes. Now she's recovering and Jez never writes about her (thank god).
That is hilariously ridiculous. I either have to laugh or be terrified at how completely ignorant the upcoming generation is.
Fuck this all to hell.
One of my most treasured possessions as a child was a Barbie: We Girls Can Do Anything board game, wherein basically Barbie had a bunch of different careers at which she excelled. It honestly was a shock to me when I got older and realized that women weren't actually equally employed in all professions and at the same…
I loved how much more nuanced Bilbo was in this one compared to the first movie and to the books. This is partly due to Martin Freeman, but he's also written as a character with maybe conflicting motivations and whose position is not completely black or white, which was something that was very much missing from the…