Thank you! I was really hoping someone would have some actionable advice. I will start doing this immediately. During my calmer moments I feel terrible for getting impatient or being frustrated with them, but at the same time...
Thank you! I was really hoping someone would have some actionable advice. I will start doing this immediately. During my calmer moments I feel terrible for getting impatient or being frustrated with them, but at the same time...
Yeah, it's hard to be patient. Sometimes I wish I could just tell them to get over their bullshit.
That's stupid, they should be able to transfer your contacts there directly for you. Make sure you talk to someone else when you go back.
I'm starting grad school in January and it's been a few years since I've written papers. The dread of them is probably worse than the actual experience will be, but still...very conflicted feelings about the semester starting.
Maybe cook with just an apron on and nothing underneath. I'd say that squares you up.
I slept LATE and woke up with a migraine, so since then I've been lying on the couch having a marathon of The Wire and commenting on Jezebel possibly more than I ever have in the entirety of time since my first post. I did get up once when the pizza came, and another time to take my little dog out. No regrets.
There are too many options now to buy the same clothes everyone else has, I feel. And no self-respecting woman should try to pull off something that's not flattering on anyone over 90 lbs.
I remember when you posted that sweater with the fluorescent pink splotches before, and I still totally love it. Any day with that sweater should be an automatic good day. All of these are adorable.
Well hello, everyone knows that crackers were one of the gifts the magi brought to the baby Jesus.
So there's this browser extension called ZenMate that I use with Chrome which is ridiculously easy. It redirects you to a proxy server in the UK so you can stream stuff directly from the channels' websites. I....don't think it's ILlegal, exactly.
I am ridiculous levels of excited for an adult woman.
The Hobbit's extended action sequences are ideal for that ;)
The key is to look happy and comfortable, not nervous or like you're trying to hide :) Then you look mysterious/independent as opposed to friendless. You'll enjoy it a lot more too. Plus if strangers even notice you at all, they'll forget all about you when the trailers start.
My dad is also really hard to shop for. To round things out I often get him a movie theater gift card that's enough for him and my mom to go to a few movies and get soda and popcorn. Is there possibly a show or performance of some kind they might like to see?
Going to the movies alone is actually really nice, especially when you're up to your eyebrows with social stuff (for me, basically the entire month of December). I always get the big popcorn, even though I can only eat like two inches of it, and spread out across the seat next to me if the theater isn't full.
That's disgusting. I'd have gotten the manager.