Rob Fletcher

So you literally can't charge your brand new iPhone in your brand new MacBook Pro? Ok.

Californication is just a version of Bojack Horseman with too much of a hard on for its own protagonist.

He must be doing something right if he got Ellen Page and Ivanka Trump in his backing band.

Was just going to say the same thing. Love that movie. Guy Pearce, Begbie, the principal from Ferris Bueller and a deranged soundtrack by Damon Albarn.

The way Vinyl failed to engage me with its interminably long first episode is kind of putting me off watching this.

Oh god, I just backed it on Kickstarter. What have I become?

But it's okay because we'll be able to burn the countdown to doomsday into our morning toast.

Ugh another shitty CGI remake of a best-forgotten movie…

I have no idea who that even is

Judging by the track titles that sounds like it covers all the episodes so maybe the second disc will be the licensed music.

How about a nice greasy pork sandwich served up in an ashtray?

Unrecognizable parts of the Star Wars score? I don't understand.

I would probably still consider going to that and I'm in my 40s. I'd say it was for my kid, but…

They should get The Hold Steady to play the version from the end credits of s03e03

Like, only geographically, man.

Oh how very

She's exactly one month older than me and, yeah… I was a goth at the time Beetlejuice was released so… she had an influence.

I like that they seem to be going somewhere with his character and his relationship with Bojack this season

Kate Jackson (formerly of The Long Blondes) released British Road Movies out of nowhere this year. It's really goddamn good. No idea if The Long Blondes had any kind of following on the western side of the Atlantic but any Anglophiles who like Pulp and Suede are going to dig it. Bernard Butler was involved in the