Rob Fletcher

Ice Cube to host South Central Stars And Celebrities What Do They Know? Do They Know Things? Let's Find Out!

Yeah, that's fine.

I work at Netflix and I'd never even heard of it until yesterday — not joking.

Two great tastes that taste great together

As Craig Finn observed… I guess the heavy stuff ain't quite at its heaviest by the time it gets out to suburban Minneapolis

I thought that finale had its moments but lacked the courage of its convictions. They should have killed Ahsoka off not had some wishy-washy is she alive or is she dead ending.

What do you think BB-8 is? He's the Melania of droids.

When you deny the dibs called by our men and women on the frontlines, that is a sick joke, sir

This is my feeling exactly. The first trailer was terrible and the second left me cold but damn if I don't want this movie to be a huge hit just to annoy the MRAs.

Go into your account in a browser & you can delete stuff from your viewing history.

Well, now you mention it…

Best thing on TV. I have to rewatch all the episodes several times because I can only bear to watch it while drinking so the blurring of the line between crying and laughing troubles me less.

I think he's got a point even though I liked The Force Awakens and all but hated the prequels. However, coming from the guy who created Avatar… pot meet kettle.

Is this a sex thing? This is a sex thing, isn't it? For fuck's sake, Internet.

Too late, I already moved to California

Also if anyone wants to buy a flat in London before the $ -> £ exchange rate gets any worse talk to me

doesn't it also mention dogs? (been about 30 years since I read it)

Also there was a battle on the wookiee planet in Revenge of the Sith and it didn't save that movie from being a huge turd.

I think Jon & Sansa have to win the battle given that we've had so much build-up to them being outnumbered and the (not very subtle) hint of Sansa's ace-in-the-hole.

Oh. I totally did that. I was about to write a comment about whitewashing and how this was going to cause a shitstorm. Glad I read your comment first. I would have looked like such an idiot.