Rob Fletcher

Ratatouille, The Incredibles and Inside Out with a special mention for the opening montage of Up.


Hong Kong Phooey?

"Don’t let the fuckers get you down" is a Savages lyric. I presume he was making a clever reference.

I like Luminara Unduli myself but then I was a goth as a teenager so…

Shall we cross post those shitty Game of Thrones / Mean Girls memes from the other article there?

maybe I'm confused but… who's getting pegged?

Since I figured out they'll happily make me a peanut butter & banana shake with bacon bits in it I can't let myself go in that place.

how much for a tossed salad?

Look at those arms… are those small arms? I guarantee you there's no problem.

See also George Lucas, Christopher Nolan, James Cameron…

I'm almost consumed with morbid curiosity enough to go see this. I never played WoW (did some of the RTS games), I hate CGI-fests, hate generic fantasy, didn't like the Lord of the Rings movies, didn't watch past an hour into the Hobbit… but I loved Moon and liked Source Code well enough and Jones seems like such a

Worse than Die Another Day?

and yet, she'd be perfect

I loved that Richard E Grant was essentially playing an older Withnail transported into a fantasy world.

I did say the trailer looked shit. That was among the primary reasons. The other being "nothing was funny".

I thought the first trailer looked shit but I want the movie to be a huge hit now just to stick it to these MRA douchecanoes

Can they just replace the entire Bond franchise with Cate Archer from No One Lives Forever?