Rob Fletcher


Dick Everard

The Big Short is coming in July

I call Vaginal Smoke Monster for my band name.

Khal Me Maybe

They're totally going to have a scene where he faces off against Donnie Yen.

It's like… remember that Weezer video that shipped with Windows 95 that inserted the band into old clips of Happy Days, a show from the 70s that was nostalgic for an imagined 50s?


So Han hung around a seedy bar trying to drum up business giving hitch-hikers rides which cost quarter of a million dollars?

Then dip it in batter and deep fry

Shout out to the guy I saw in Target yesterday looking at a poster of Wonder Woman with his nose about 2 inches from Gal Gadot's thighs. For a good 5 minutes.

She could totally also have been 3Jane in Neuromancer

Just the William Gibson adaptations…

I just figured out sometimes teenagers use the word "bad" to mean "good". I don't understand kids today.

Trump / Tay '16

Ben Stiller wears a lot of tracksuits

and that's a blatant rip-off of my screenplay about the lead singer of The Teardrop Explodes who goes back in time to kill Ian McCulloch before he can form Echo and the Bunnymen. It's called "Time Cope".

… and WTF, they're not even playing a real venue in NoCal. Guess I'm going to the Mountain Winery then. Will make a change from the last time I saw Best Coast at the Cedar Cultural Center in Minneapolis.

Oh lord, I live right near there. I can't imagine anything less rock 'n roll. It will be all millionaires in Teslas

Season 1 was pretty good but once you realized Ben Mendelsohn was just doing an Al Pacino impression (seriously… watch it again, it's fucking uncanny) it was a bit less impressive.