Rob Fletcher

This show frustrates the crap out of me. Basically every character has a ton of potential but it's squandered with lame plots that have to wrap up within the episode.

like that cat, but you somehow still love him

They were definitely looked at as "dad rock" for my generation in the UK.

so… "grudgingly acceptable job, internet"?

Out of Sight was that movie where it looked for a moment like Jennifer Lopez might have an acting career in front of her, right?

It's a decent adaptation ruined by the "the bad guy was the hero's mentor all along" cliche

Has there ever been a role he hasn't played as "Chet" from Weird Science?

because that's exactly what you'd expect when you see Henry Rollins heading the cast list

That wasn't my response to it and I HATE big dumb action spectacles – haven't seen Avengers, was bored by Guardians of the Galaxy, hated Transformers.

Yes. I don't care what anyone says. That movie's a ton of fun.

… and Harrison Ford's character will die

The guy from the Govan Death Gang?

A Touch of Cloth is great. A modern day Brit version of Police Squad.

Roseanne – Lansing, MI
Silicon Valley – Palo Alto, CA

Hat tip for dropping a Sprawl reference in a Star Wars thread.

Eschatological Dungeon Music

How wude

I'm sure there are fan-fic sites that are all about Leia/Jabba shipping.

I love how easy it is to mistake semicolons for colons in this article. I'm very keen to see Atlas Shrugged Part III: Look Who’s Talking Now!

Just coming!