
Pontiac did such an incredible job with the Solstice Coupe? I sat in one that was on the showroom floor. I’m not prone to claustrophobia, but that car did it for me. While turning my head left, my eyes were looking directly at the roof. I had to bow my head to look out of the window. Everything was an ergonomic

You saying ‘noone’ instead of ‘no one’ is reason enough to take away your guns.

guns arent even fucking close to being near heart disease grow up.

i like going to the range and punching holes in paper.

“i vote blue and those mfs are not taking my guns.”

i dont need to eat an entire package of nutter butters for dinner either but i do that shit. you wanna take my cookies too?

I am Australian. My wife is American.

I think the solution Aussies had, so that the government purchased back the guns. Say 5k for any handgun and 10-20k for assault weapon. No questions asked. I would claim the country would be pretty quickly out of problematic weapons.

This. Country. Sucks.

Or a cheap sign with your address on it. A hell of a lot cheaper than that sign (or a defense attorney.)

For some reason, people use my driveway to turn around in all the time. Why I don’t know. There’s nothing special about it, it’s no wider than the neighbors driveways. Maybe it’s because I don’t park in street in front of my house? Or the cars are garaged so the driveway is empty? Who knows.

Or buy a gate for the road entrance.

and red flag laws.  These few things if properly enforced can lower gun violence considerably.  Also if Conservatives backed up their stance that it’s a mental health issue and provided mental healthcare to everyone who needs it that would actually help too.

There’s just far too many people looking for a “reason”  to use deadly force. 

Monahan had gotten increasingly frustrated that people were mistakenly turning into his driveway.”

You forgot the little girl and her family that was shot by their neighbor because her ball rolled into their yard. 

It’s these free-for-all permissive librals that keep violating people’s rights to a free driveway! You gotta cut the angle! The Ingram Angle!

There are millions and millions of guns in this country that are not needed. The sooner they are taken away and dumped in the ocean the better off this country will be. Vote blue.

I hope the justice system fucks these assholes hard. They need to be made examples of.

If your first thought when someone rings your doorbell or pulls into your driveway is to pull out your loaded weapon of choice. Turn off Fox News, OAN or Newsmax