
Do people who can afford these luxury resorts really follow influencers on social media? If I were super rich and looking for a luxury hotel, I wouldn’t look at some random millenial’s instagram, I'd ask my super rich friends.

Black History Month has become 4 weeks of suspense and breath-holding as brand after brand after coworker after media outlet steps up to outdo the last with a truly puzzling/infuriating/bile-inducing “celebration” or “honor.”

The children in the cages was a powerful image. 

And when you’re a billionaire, they let you do it. You can do anything. ... Grab them by the puppy. You can do anything.”

I am probably twice your age. Anyone this old understood exactly what she meant, which was NEVER USE SOAP ON YOUR FACE. For 40 years I have moisturized with Nivea, two seconds, removed make up with a cleanser, three seconds, then troweled on the Ponds at night, 2 seconds. My face feels like that of a baby’s bum and my

Don’t hate on the guy just because he hit puberty...

It’s a Nikki Miraj.

But hey, it looks like they did pretty well on the wax figure of Evelyn Burdecki. Not sure why they posed it that way, though.

for those “heavy flow” days

At the very least, Bat Boy is real. He was mayor of New York City and is now running interference for Trump.

Pantone may call this “Classic Blue,” but I am viewing it as “Democrat Blue,” and hope to see it wash all over the country.  If Pantone had decided on any red-tinged color for 2020 I would have been disconsolate.

Why is everything white?

Obama gave eight years of his life in the most thankless job there is and we, the United States voters, chose to reward his legacy by electing a racist clown.

Unintentional (completely intentional?) positive side effect of the new format - Ditching the Tweets also ditches the G/O Media-mandated ads between every one, so Barf Bag is no longer crashing from Herbaceous ad overload on my iPad (though it still mandates an ad every 2 paragraphs, so I still got 3 autoplay Dolly

Great article. Just wanted to point out that land enclosure wasn’t about trapping the animals. The enclosure movement was about depriving peasants from access to graze their animals on land that was previously considered the commons. This had the effect of driving poor people out of the countryside and into city

Yes, but dammit, we COOK with it. Let’s see you make all your lovely baked goods, sauces, and mac n cheese dishes without it!

If he didn’t want to be groped, he shouldn’t have been wearing that hat.

That kid will need so much therapy, but not because of gender issues.