
I work in downtown Seattle near Pike Place. Dear god... From stopping in the middle of the street IN TRAFFIC with their arms up and face to the sky to trying to take “edgy” pictures with homeless people being used as props in the background- it’s all just so insufferable and vapid.

My company went through a push to

Incontinence is a big one. Not gonna lie, it’d be nice to not pee a little every time I sneezed, or laughed, or picked something over 20lbs up, or tried to walk at more than a brisk pace... Pregnancy fuck everything aaallll up and kegels only do so much. This supposedly helps keeps things in place, ya know- until it

take your star.

I went years thinking it was normal to have your skin turn scarlet after washing and that moisturizer felt like hot sauce on an open wound. I’m not even starting in on the pure alcohol wipes that my mom forced me to use are making me cringe in pain just thinking about ‘em.

Sensitive skin is a bitch. It’s even more of a

I use a cleanser maybe once a week, but I’ve found it dries my skin out more than anything. My skin routine is typically a splash of water, followed up with a dollop of moisturizer. Done and done.

Maybe it’s because I’ve always had problem skin and just don’t care- but I’m a-ok having that 30min daily of my life to do

Oh god- that peach pit scrub. What the ever living fuck was teenage me thinking.

I was at a stressful job that sucked all life and joy out of me the moment I stepped through the office doors. It was a nightmare, but I held on because I was told by my manager that I was *this close* to a promotion. A promotion/raise that was needed to justify staying in the area, and a promotion I didn’t get. After

I’m loving the energy in this.

Decorating cookies is my jam. Every year I make at least 3 different types of cookies to give out as gifts on top of the beautifully iced cookies. It’s somewhere in the 8 batches of cookie range depending on how many people we need to gift to. I have sprinkles galore, all sorts of neat cookie cutters, and the icing

I want a personal trolley that is waiting at my door to take me where ever I need to go....

You must have missed the back story episode. One night Rider’s parents decided to exit the theater through the backdoor, where they came face to face with Ding Hummer, a disgruntled employee unceremoniously let go from their multi-billion dollar R&D/defense company. In a fog of fear, Rider’s mother tried to run- but

“highlight our desire for a dependable and stable foundation on which to build as we cross the threshold into a new era.”

100% agree that it’s political and I am loving it.

I go with a typical stuffed turkey. It’s almost always picture perfect, I’ve never had an issue with the meat being dry, and I *love* stuffing that has absorbed all those delicious turkey juices. I do to make the stuffing on the drier side to account for the added moisture (and to keep it from turning into “salmonella

I go with a typical stuffed turkey. It’s almost always picture perfect, I’ve never had an issue with the meat being

If you bring it inside and tend to it, you might see regrowth. I don’t know just how cold things get over there, but the roots/stem might not have frozen to the point of killing the whole thing off. Those leaves are most likely dead though.

As I’ve been told- My grandfather’s side of the family ended up in America after his father was labeled a fugitive in Ireland for poaching rabbits on land that his family had hunted for generations. He ended up in stowing away on a ship, jumping into the water before hitting Ellis Island, and swimming to shore because

Two words. Power Bottom.

Ya beat me to it! I should have showed pending.

Meh, it’s a slow today and that was the most worthwhile thing I’ve done.

Your wish-

Bacteria can learn. The same can’t be said of that family.