Flesh Croissant

Whats the point abolishing ICE?  People say “its only been around 15 years” but we’ve always had immigration enforcement in the united states that deported people.  15 years ago was just shuffling around some paperwork to put it under the control of a central authority.  Open borders is certainly not a winning issue.

I see bringham-young university, a super religious mormon school. Is this like a Rorschach test for schools we’ve heard of? Lol.

At some point they go into socialist mode and they’re just saying “Eww, isnt it gross that people are this rich”?  It was never supposed to make sense.

Hey, MAGA hat wearing people love cars, even european ones. Be nice. We know all about the GTO.

Because people are gonna start shooting any minute?  

Can i get your honest take on this internment camp thing, with some points i’d like you to address? Thanks.
1. All people are the border are entitled to an asylum hearing, which takes months. If they dont claim asylum they’re deported right away, so most do.
2. While waiting for this hearing, they can either be held in

The solution is simple: Be offensive and bigoted in person so nobody is suprised.  Cant fire someone if they own the company ;)

Keeping them together? fine by me. They can stay together in adult prison instead of childcare facilities for months while they wait for an asylum hearing, which should be denied 99.99% of the time, and they are deported back to be killed by gangs or live in poverty. Fuck them. Fuck the kids, too.

Fine by me. They can stay together in adult prison instead of childcare facilities for months while they wait for an asylum hearing, which should be denied 99.99% of the time, and they are deported back to be killed by gangs or live in poverty. Fuck them. Fuck the kids, too.

I try not to think about gay people. Its like pedophilia, its not pleasant to think about.

Why exactly would i have a problem with mexican immigrants being attacked by a paramilitary force?

Good job wishing anything but death on a white straight male.  Expect to be mobbed by progressives soon.

Postmodernist “No borders ,humans are always the same” types are going to deliver us a civil war and ethnic cleansing in the US southwest not seen since the native american days.

Because your country becomes invaded with foreigners, some of which become US citizens? (But are still foreigners).   Its going to become a civil war and the mother of all holocausts.  way worse than what happened to native americans.

This feels wrong. Are you sure you arent comparing journalists killed by the government to journalistis killed by all crime?

You might think people would tone down their hatred of the press here, but nope. If 50 people got killed in a SPLC shooting tomarrow i’d cheer and piss on their graves. Motherfuck postmodernist, activist journalists. Reporting on a court case you were a part of? Thats another story.

Problem?  If the press decided to wade into politics and create a more progressive, equitable world gunning them down is the answer.

Why is that? I dont see much difference between “Punch nazis” and “Shoot journalists”.   

I see no issue if it was a progressive newspaper.  If there was a mass shooting at splinter or the root i would cheer.  Im more into helicopter drops but this is quick and efficient. No such thing as an innocent progressive. 

Thats not david spade thats Dana Carvey.  Who, by the way, is a trump supporter.