Why is making her the antagonist a bad idea?
Why is making her the antagonist a bad idea?
Haha the sign in the main picture of the article. She started to write “Famalies” and had to cover it up with stickers. Whats the matter, dont speak english bish?
Real talk: Liberals arent the same as progressives, these words mean pretty much polar opposite things when it comes to public policy, and increasing amount of people advocating for socialism and social justice is going to split the democratic party into 2 warring factions and push more people to the republicans.
This is a literal strawman argument based on anti male sexism. The new trilogy is a fucking garbage fire joke, set up badly by the force awakens and thrown into the trash by the last jedi. It cant be fixed at this point. Talk to these fans, they arent babies and they arent bad people.
Polite arguments are weak sauce. our side of the civil war is running you over with cars and shooting you. Put up your dukes, progressives. civil war now.
Fucking do it. We know how to talk to police and how not to get shot. I’ve got nothing to fear from them. They’re our death squads, not yours ;)
I dont really understand being scared at a track day. I see almost everyone doing it, but its part of the understanding that either driving your own car or loaning someone a car and racing it means you need to be willing to write that car off in a wreck and/or die. If i crashed my racecar of 9 years, with hours and…
I dont really understand being scared at a track day like mr regular was here. I see almost everyone doing it, but its part of the understanding that either driving your own car or loaning someone a car and racing it means you need to be willing to write that car off in a wreck and/or die. If i crashed my racecar of 9…
You have all that tax and no pavement destroying winter and they can't be bothered to have pristine roads? I guess all that money goes into attracting aggressive homeless people and paying them
John Smith ;)for sure
John Smith ;)
John Smith ;)
I mean i see what you did with no mention of kobe, but he did alright. I dont care who he raped.
Racism is not a crime. Racism is normal.
Civil war is coming.
This is interesting actually as im from northeast ohio and always felt culturally more close to new england than say, Michigan or Illinois. Not sure if others felt the same.
Who prevents people from coming to america without ICE? Dont you end up just creating another ICE at great cost?
Chinese buffet is like doing a cheap hooker without a rubber. Great fun, great value, but if you end up with a disease you shouldnt be suprised. I love chinese buffet. (and hookers)
No society ever survives multiculturalism. Enjoy the civil war. I hope the authentic mexican food was worth it.
Whats the point abolishing ICE? People say “its only been around 15 years” but we’ve always had immigration enforcement in the united states that deported people. 15 years ago was just shuffling around some paperwork to put it under the control of a central authority. Open borders is certainly not a winning issue.…