Thats not david spade thats Dana Carvey. Who, by the way, is a trump supporter.
Thats not david spade thats Dana Carvey. Who, by the way, is a trump supporter.
Dont forget how people who arent white dont have institutional power and theirfor cannot be racist ;)
Liberal does not mean progressive. progressive does not mean liberal.
Yea lol its clearly sputtering, and thats why articles on progressive blogs are posting things like “fuck fuck fuck fuck” and posting the number to suicide hotlines constantly lol. Drop progressives from helicopters
Controversial opinion: All cities are trash and if you can secure a job in the absolute middle of nowhere, you’ll be happier. Less noise, less stress, more space, a better living space for your dollar. Being able to walk to starbucks is nice, but having a third of an acre for less than your share of the rent is…
Controversial opinion: All cities are trash and if you can secure a job in the absolute middle of nowhere, you’ll be happier. Less noise, less stress, more space, a better living space for your dollar. Being able to walk to starbucks is nice, but having a third of an acre for less than your share of the rent is…
Sounds like someone is starting to test the waters for a breakup, lol.
Sounds like someone is starting to test the waters for a breakup, lol.
Gun nut hot tak: Immigrants dont have rights. 14th amendment reform to strip their citizenship first, if that doesnt work, bosnia style civil war.
Te electoral college ensures a diversity of opinion so a half dozen cities don’t control all elections forever. Even if you don’t care about rural nowheresville, Cleveland and Milwaukee and Amarillo deserve a government that represents them. The Democratic party needs to appeal outside of Chicago and New York and Las A…
Western society was never supposed to be fair or diverse. Actually no society is.
If its ok to be uncivil for political reasons to sanders, why cant the opposition be uncivil to them? (Dont answer that, i know the answer. If you’re progressive by nature you arent liberal and every group needs separate rights and privileges)
Guided missile cruisers are fucking cool and dont get enough love in the military media world (outside of “XXX ship fired the first shot in our latest war”). As much as i want to be a luddite and return to the days of jutland and gunnery, these guys each can run their own mini space program in the middle of the ocean.
(when gun nuts say they have guns to fight the government) “lol idiot you’re going go get curbstomped”
Huh, that’s weird (sarcasm), a population that’s not clearly defined anymore and is a fraction of a percent of the population isn't widely represented. Imagine my shock. Reminds me of Oscars so white whining where black nominees were actually overrepresented when compared to what percent of the population they were…
This reminds me. When trump dies he's gonna get a parade of honor in washington, backwards boots in stirrups and all and laid in state in the capital. Right where Rosa parks was laid. Lol. A racist queens real estate reality show goomba. Truely we live in the most hilarious timeline
Because not all Democrats are progressives. Many, possibly most are liberals. The opposite of a progressive.
James fields jr did nothing wrong.
Hi i voted for trump to start a civil war. Get shooting so we can shoot back, please.
Bojack you are doing gods work. Not sure how you’re not grey.