

“Seacrest, bless his heart, is no Andy Cohen”

Ugh. Please don’t tell me this is “500 Days of Megyn”

Yup, I can be happy that they’re doing this demonstration, but it’s not going to change my mind on the NFL as a whole. The whole “inducing traumatic brain injury in a majority of its players” thing is really a turnoff for me, in addition to all the domestic violence, substance abuse, and murder layered on top of it.

Melania, honey, whatever you paid for that suit was too much. It’s very unflattering.

The problem is with the amount of money she spends I doubt she has “loads of money.” Or at the very least she would need to make some lifestyle downgrades if she wishes to retire. There was a reason she was all over that billionaire.

I’m trying to decide how much of my “lock him up and throw away the key” reaction is based on what a gross pig monkey predatory piece of shite he is and how much is based on my anger over his fucking up the election.

Come on dude, the article explicitly qualifies that there’s a huge selection bias that explains that.

That’s ridicous? It was perfectly plotted through out.

The problem isn’t in “indoctrination”, as I see it. It’s in “normalization”. Particularly when we consider that the problems within our culture that created the KKK haven’t gone away (nor has the actual KKK).

Chuck Bass. Chuck Fucking Bass. So worthy of scorn for being a disgusting creep. And that dumb haircut and scarf look he started with did not make him attractive. So he was an unattractive disgusting creep. AND YET, by the end of the series I was in love with him and he made me want to rip my clothes off.

From that article:

She opened a Scientology type school.

She used the term “study tech.” Cult jargon.

Somehow, Jada Pinkett-Smith’s statement is actually more insufferable. She’s trying on religions to seem worldly and open/accepting.

Nice to see Chris Pratt getting gout and about.

1. Leah Remini’s show about Scientology is amazing. Watch it.

She’s a horrible wife for kissing her friend?

The internet to Kevin Hart: