You seem a little judge-y.
You seem a little judge-y.
What about her story does not make sense? The fact that she didn’t report anything? Simple explanation-that’s what rape culture is. The fact that women were drugged and gang-raped? Again, rape culture. The fact that these accusations have not been made public before now. Now, this is kind of a leap here, but....RAPE…
Well her story doesn’t really make sense
Watched the whole thing unfold on twitter live yesterday and while yeah, some pretty stupid comments, (god knows I’m guilty of that too), but what stuck out is that they had to go all the way back to the days where Leitch was still here to find something to pin on you.
The most disturbing thing about his attitude, for a seat on the highest court in the land, is that his actions amply demonstrate that he trusts neither the legal process nor the law.
You mean like the 15 or so years it took for a very famous well connected old rapist, who once upon a time ago used his faux family values to peddle pudding pops and demand black yout’ pull up their pants, to face justice?
What kind of woman witnesses just one gang rape and refuses to report it, let alone multiple?
Yeah. First of all, he should have never been nominated for this spot. There were like a handful of other emotionally and personally bland people who’d have sailed through.
Yeah, well, the trick is that it takes someone like Avenatti to do the job that Avenatti is doing.
You are so, so wrong.
Wrong. Avenatti is helping. He’s drawing the attention where the attention is needed, he’s representing women who need good loud representation, and he’s refusing to let the usual glossover happen. And more saliently, his track record of protecting his clients until they’re ready to come forward, so far, is pretty…
They’re making fun of him.
You usually don’t see an entire comment section agree on how wrong a writer is here. Congrats, you’re the Billy Haisley of Splinter.
So what you’re saying is that in the battle of public opinion, which is the only actual leverage anyone has over the Republicans in power, drumming up media attention for a serial sexual assaulter who is otherwise about to be confirmed to the Supreme Court of the United States is bad.
Disagree. Avenatti is the only one on the left so far that has shown he’s adept at outmaneuvering the shitheads on the right. He’s teased over-the-top allegations before and then backed them up. Despite the multiple, credible allegations about Kavanaugh the republicans have shown their intention to ram him through.…
If he’s lying about Ford, he’s at risk of perjuring himself.