Annie from the Grog Booth

The “I go to burning man” in responses to asking about taking psychedelics is *Italian chef kiss*

Pretty sure my dad wanted a boy after having my sister

I literally lol’d.

1984 also brought me into this world. Everyone should be so thankful.

I Like You

Link doesn’t work :(

Link doesn’t work :(

God isn’t there anyone in your real life to lavish with you with attention. Jesus. We get it. You hate Hillary. You’re ok with her losing bc your life isn’t being affected by the consequences of having a fucking blowhard in the White House.

Perfect movie is perfect.

I love this comment.

“whose work you admitted to not even knowing”

When i hear my own voice on like a message or a snapchat that i don’t filter with a voice changer, i cringe.


Ya. I’ve met her too.

She’s always been that type of woman who “doesn’t have any girlfriends, all my friends are guys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” Color me not shocked.

One summer, a friend found a single raccoon baby and basically adopted it. I have bottle fed a baby raccoon. He was so fucking cute and fun. It lasted about 6 weeks. My friend wanted to keep it as a pet but his work schedule wasn’t conducive. He found an animal rescue that handles wild animals and rehabs them near

At the end of the original post, they indicated they would be updating the post as information came to light, which is what they have done pretty consistently. I mean, are they supposed to make a new post for every small detail that emerges? They don’t do that for any post that is breaking or needing many updates in a

The slot posted about it before dirt bag was even posted.

No, we were in Northern Italy. It was the crypt of a church used by my ancestors and relatives for various religious things and marriages, things you would use a church for. Funerals, obviously ;)

imagine my face when they told me it was likely i had a relative somewhere in the pile....i was 12!