Annie from the Grog Booth

I, for one, cannot wait for this to begin.

I’m not sure I’ve ever seen Lebron look so tired in the middle of a game. He looked so gassed, and almost in shock himself at how spent he was. Kinda fun to see TBH

Dating apps and sites are not for me.

I spend way too much of my time watching these videos on Instagram

I’m pretty convinced the apps are not for me.  

“...dressed like a wealthy old American lady on vacation who’s afraid she’ll be robbed on the way to the Uffizi.” 

Dating sucks.



Was talking to Marissa, telling Marissa to tell the bitch to sit down. Dude said bitch.

In. In. In.

Fuck the penguins. I don’t even care about your Benghazi joke.

I like you

Professional athletes in non traditional sports have it so rough. I feel for him.

“I’m like really smart. My iq is 141.”

Thanks. Ill be taking a dating hiatus, partly because of work, but also because what the universe has thrown me recently has been fucking awful and i just need a break.

You’re very sweet, and probably pretty right on about the insecurity thing.


There was nothing on his profile that hinted to it in the slightest. Actually where he went to school made me think he was at least aware. I was incorrect.