Child molestation? This is on par with Godwin’s law.
Child molestation? This is on par with Godwin’s law.
actually, yeah, it’s how the highway system was designed to work.
Sure—-here’s what most Cars and Coffee’s near me look like lately:
“with E39 prices thankfully increasing in the used market”
When I started this day, it was quite good because everything I was reading had a clear and concise point. I knew not to get cocky though, because the reality was I hadn’t read a completely pointless article yet.
Outdoor gear Internet white knighting——I’ll point that.
Yeti is to coolers what Patagucci is to outdoor clothing.
Well, except for just about anyone who knows anything about boats.
Nice bluewalls, Clark.
I’m hardly excusing what he did, but at the same time, the air sure must smell extra sweet up on that high horse you’re riding on. Forgiveness and redemption are also apparently two things that have fallen.
Disagree on the LX.....hard for the world to think “you’ve made it” when they all think you’re in a Highlander.
As someone who intends to buy one of these, may I offer my continued hope that yours is a lemon, and your sordid tales of unreliability serve to further diminish these car’s resale value.
And after further research, it didn’t involve molestation. The incident may have shown poor judgement, to be sure, but wasn’t illegal and hardly exposes an “evil inner soul”.
Knew about Autoweek but can’t say I’ve ever heard about the molestation part.
LOL...I figured....had to ask after I read it last night.
So were you the X4 M40i driver that Satch Carlson called out in his Roundel article yesterday? #AutoJournalistFeud
yeah, “quickest” is probably a better descriptor.
“Drifting is a motorsport”.
5 cylinders
Those aren’t “Airflow” seats, they’re Flofit seats. A nice, reasonable facsimiles of Recaros of the era.