Fleetwood T. Brougham

C’mon....just say it. You’d never heard of it. It’s cool. Don’t be that guy trying to “oh yeah I knew but....” when you posted a pic of an equally known (and far more ubiquitous) Subaru.

Oh look——a millennial who is soooooo unimpressed with something most people enjoy. How ironic! How edgy! How avant garde! 

Gets defensive and disagrees with someone’s opinion of a movie they haven’t even seen. Yep, welcome to 2018.

Thanks....learned a new argument-winning skill today. After stating whatever opinion I believe to be true, I’ll follow it with “This is not a debate”. This will save me the headache and hassle of having to listen, understand, and interact with others with differing viewpoints.

They should check their privilege.

I’ll give you $5k for it, right here, right now.

You get paid for this?

He’s the unknown stuntman who makes Eastwood look so fine.

LOL...so he doesn’t stay in lockstep with the SJW lemmings, and instantly goes from hero to zero. Gotta love it.

Come be part of the solution by adding maddening increases in clueless left lane cruisers to your list of contributors. The lack of lane discipline and nonexistent enforcement of left lane laws is one of the primary causes of congestion, road rage, and dangerous traffic maneuvers........the fact that they’d rather

“New”? This has been in Nashville for over a year now. Way to get that scoop!

Ooooh man, sooo juicy. I haven’t seen dirt this good since my middle school student newspaper.

So just to get pedantic for a sec, “most powerful dynamometer” is a complete misnomer. That’s like saying the “highest heat producing thermometer in the world!”. The dynamometer makes no power. The car does. “Powerful” refers to the source of the power, not the instrument used to measure it. hth 

Nope, I’m actually a conservative-leaning independent who sat this one out (Romney in 12 and Barr in 08 if you’re curious). I’m now just sitting on the sidelines with my popcorn watching people lose their collective shit over things they have proven to not care less about when past presidents did the same. Good job

The irony for me is that before this, I’m willing to bet that most of you were accusing Uber for being greedy gougers for their surge pricing. So during a time of artificial transportation shortage, when they REALLY could have bent riders over with surge, they didn’t. It was an incredibly consumer-friendly move.

I bet you got really hyped up when Obama did it to Iraq refugees for 6 months in 2011, right?

And now liberals are fawning over a NASCAR driver. The Trump bizarro role reversal effect continues.

Out of curiosity, were you all striking when Obama did the same thing in 2011?