
Wow, you're so classy.

Ha! He bought her an Aidan pear shaped diamond, I'm surprised she didn't wear it on a chain.

Stop spouting outright lies and obfuscation, the IDF were warmed 17 TIMES that the UN shelter housed children, yet they massacred them anyway. Collective punishment is a war crime.

Genuine lol. Well needed after reading some of the comments above.

I haven't seen one person excuse Hamas for their actions. Israel's massacre of children seeking shelter however is too much of an ongoing atrocity to ignore especially as it amounts to collective punishment, a war crime.

You can condemn Israel quiet easily after reading this Guardian article:

I thought it was a rehash of so many shows in that genre, the eroticisation of dead naked women definitely drew my ire.

I also wonder if she just stopped smiling in pics or got the procedure done when they cut the inner lip/gum connection to drop the lip to disguise large gums. Whoever did her rhinoplasty really did a great job.

The news is anti-Israel by virtue of the fact that it shows the IDF's heinous massacre of children.

I think the IDF's actions wilfully massacring children taking shelter in a UN centre is enough to warrant Colbert's stern look.

Well, one targets the military and the other massacres innocent children taking shelter.

Plus Emma is a mediocre actress at best.

A model's career is on a timer and she no doubt has grown accustomed to a certain standard of living. Bloom's career is on the wane. How else could you explain being with Bieber, ugh so many dry heaves.

And in retaliation Israel slaughtered over 1000 women and children. Collective punishment is a war crime and any supporters of IDF and their actions should be ashamed. You are not a liberal and you certainly are not a humanitarian.

I think his wife was the one in the wrong.