
There is no way that a woman literally twice the size of Bieber, a boy in possession of the worst teen ronnie , could have actually been physically attracted to him. It seems a bit desperate on her behalf any way you cut it. Given who she's currently dating though it is no surprise.

Maybe their slaughter of innocent civilians is perpetuating that, just like terrorists of any persuasion: see the UK post IRA attacks and US post 9/11.

Not seriously enough to not engage in it.

You sure lapped up all the propaganda and ignored the most recent attack on a shelter housing countless children which even Israel says they did with the knowledge that it was a UN sanctuary, one which they have been notified about the existence of 17 times including last night when they bombed it. You disgust me.

Let me guess you're based in the US which is devoid of any actual desseminator of news and current affairs. Go watch the Channel 4 UK news and come back to me. Your ignorance is blinding. I say that as a European atheist.

So you're actually saying that there is some history that would validate the premediated slaughter of women and children sheltering in schools and hospitals?

Most people keep it so their kids can try it on or ot can be passed on as an heirloom, but don't let you sadsack judgemental nature get in the way of that.

She didn't elope in many European countries you do the civil part of the ceremony separately to the Church. She had a massive wedding and the dress to go with it, it was just afterwards.

She said in a recent interview that the dress in the above pics was just for the legal part of the ceremony so it wasn't actually her wedding dress which she was Valentino as far as I remember.

Really? I thought it was hackneyed and poorly constructed and I say that as an atheist.

They also share a similar chipmunk voice.

There's a central fallacy in dressing up guys sexy for laughs rather than just pure objectification. A better video would have had some oiled up muscle clad men lifting crap and getting wet. Now that would gain better parity.

You are disgusting, 100s of women and children are dead, the IDF is engaged in collective punishment and you don't even see those victims as people.

There is ABSOLUTELY NO EVIDENCE to support the claim that Hamas stored armaments there. Secondly collective punishment contravenes basic human rights. Did you even watch the footage from that school? Only a scumbag devoid of any humanity and critical awareness could support the IDF's actions.

And what about the mistreatment of women at the hands of orthodox Jews? Most of the civilised world would acknowledge that death and maiming at the hands of the IDF is a fear greater than immodesty for the women of Palestine. Your gaslighting has not gone unnoticed.

As a feminist I am totally anti the IDF, what they have done to women and children in the last 2 weeks is so unbelievably vile.

Do you know what is more harmful than domestic violence, being bombed to fuck by the IDF whilst you have sought shelter in UN relief centres. And there is plenty if domestic violence within the Jewish community, FFS.

You need to stop watching US media who are shills for Israel and watch actual news coverage, I suggest UK's Channel 4 news for a start. The US backed dome technology has secured the area from penetration whilst the IDF bomb hospitals and schools full of children. Also, the language the IDF use for claimed territories

Your sexism is showing, you assume that she wasn't the primary earner. Ross was a well established and highly paid model who supported her husband for over a decade and set up connection for his career. She then took time off to raise her family. She invested and helped cultivate his career, it was an investment for

She was the primary earner for over a decade who garnered the connections for him to start his career whilst she took care of the family. She is owed that money.