
Check the tree

I have not been able to find a current car with a tank in the range of 20-21 gallons that also gets around 13-15 MPG.

Ran when parked, now won’t start. May be flooded. $750. No title and bring a wrecker.”


It’s hard to shift with my New Balance 624s in those tiny footwells.  

Coastal Texan - I have a lot of hurricane experience. Fire, tornadoes, earthquakes - nope!

That’s a very Biden comment. You think you’re brilliant but it just shows how shallow you are. 

Bring on the slideshows of death!

Ill go out on a limb here but my guess is someone or some company makes a plug in adapter Y cable to power thing by this connector.

I gave up on radar detectors a long time ago.

That is the fucking funniest thing I’ve ever read on Jalopnik, and I’ve been here for over 10 years. 

I’m outraged, dammit!  Jalopnik tells me I should be!

This. It is very expensive to be poor in America.

Add the environmental affects of tires too - all that weight eats tires faster. 

Looks like a wonderful corporate marketing opportunity. 

It looks like a piece of shit - so I’m guessing 2020 BMW?

Oops.  Updated for 2021?

Tonight’s the night 🎶

If you get fucking hammered before your flight, you can accomplish all of those with ease. 

It gives it Ferrari cred…