Yeah, holy crap. Is this the level of automotive expertise and insight we should come to expect here? To me, this issue is so fucking...basic? What next, a story on wipers that move at different speeds? YOU’RE USING YOUR WIPERS WRONG PEOPLE!
Yeah, holy crap. Is this the level of automotive expertise and insight we should come to expect here? To me, this issue is so fucking...basic? What next, a story on wipers that move at different speeds? YOU’RE USING YOUR WIPERS WRONG PEOPLE!
The district attorney signed off on the investigation because he trusted his ADA without verifying. The Indiana judge signed off on the warrant because he trusted his local sheriff without verifying.
caveat emptor
I’ll tell you what, I’ve taken mine to several shows and the response to it has always been overwhelmingly positive.
If there ever was a good excuse for a slideshow we’d all click through...
Water? In California?
Pretty funny video.
Guy with no garage space buys 13 cars for the thrill of buying broken things and fixing them goes on to complain that its expensive to buy and fix 13 cars and because he never drives them then complains that just keeping the batteries charged is a pain. Somehow made it into adulthood with never…
Way to advertise that you didn’t read the article at all. Congrats!
The original livery is iconic and should not be messed with.
Billionaires have the best cars, the best planes, the best boats, the hottest partners. And if you think that’s cool, there is a one in a billion chance you could be one. Take away billionaires, and the chance to be one, and no one is happy.
Why should we have them? All of the things listed are CHOICES the driver has made.
It is ABSOLUTELY an attack on our freedoms. implementing thicker steel, not an attack on freedom. Making better crash structures, not an attack. Forcing people that make good choices or have made peace with the risks and consequences of…
“Watch the Oceans Boil” “Our Impending Doom”
nice rant.. feel better now?
Postpone flying until at least May 4th, got it.
What you are typing isn’t at all any better than the descriptors you are using about them.
I think a closed fist is warranted for that one.
How can a car-related site not know how to spell “mileage”?