
Texas DPS seems to pull over a lot of trailers with loads. I spend 2 hours a day driving and it seems to be common. 

Bad juju in death truck but the teal sure brightens up your day!

Wrongo. The local govt will charge you property tax for the inventory you keep on the ground. And yes, you collect sales tax and pay that back to the state govt. And you pay income tax on the money you make. Owning a business will make you feel raped sometimes…

Rough seas, seasickness, and technical glitches brought his journey to an end.

Nothing about rusty Jeeps and rare VWs are divine; might as well erroneously call them “epic”.

That is a nice thing to do, Victoria and certainly the right thing to do as a friend, but I wouldn’t beat yourself up over it. Cars degrade slowly and most owners just don’t notice the degradations caused by slow time - it’s not based in dishonesty.

Automobiles as weapons could become a very, very common headline in the United States.

To summarize:

though the news did cause Workhorse’s stock price to jump

have them re certify every ten years...

You’re too intelligent to hang out around here. Please post dumber stuff like “fuck the rich”, “SUVs are stupid”, and “my political party is better than yours”. You know, childish shit. 


On GMs new trucks, if you leave it on for too long, the screen between the gauges tells you. 

The Europeans seem to love government intrusion, but in the case of receiving drivers licenses, they have it nailed. Make the test much more difficult - make the training longer. Have the cops pull over those who hang out in the left lane. Higher penalties for infractions, and for Christ sake, make inspections more

So are bicycles - more people are murdered by bicycles ever year than by soccer balls!

So who knows more about fires? The commentor on Jalop or the guy who lives his entire life fighting fires?

I approve of all Ohioans or Californians who keep out of Texas.

Hi, Shane. I just inherited $100 million and would like to invest in your company; problem is that I have to know you’re serious about your business model before I’ll cut you a large check. Please send $5000 in Bitcoin to my Coinbase account so we can get your funding started!

The older I get, the less attention I want. 

iPad held portrait - no slide show.