
I’m going to stop your current flow of thought. 

In San Francisco, it’s considered cultural empathy.

All those stupid questions get in the way of journalism opinion. Take your education and leave please. 

Better be small clowns with tiny egos. 

Come to Texas - experience the insanity.

Exaggeration offers conversation?  Seems clear to me that Elon is taking our chains again...

I caught that too and thought my brain was playing tricks on me. 

Sounds like you put a lot of thought into seeing only one side. And that’s the real problem.

Our reactive government are all a bunch of boneheads. Both parties.

Cali is also good at fucking up a good beach.

Tough to feel sympathy for such a transparent effort to skirt a law when building them in the US would have not run afoul of this problem.

You’re only allowed to break one law at a time. If you’re hauling cocaine, don’t speed. If you want to speed, don’t haul cocaine. 

COVID put on display everyone’s tolerance of risk. The risk averse stayed home, didn’t go outside, wore masks in the shower, and binged on TV. The others went out on the highway blasting with the windows down, cigarettes lit, and seatbelts off. Both were silly extremes.

I’m guessing those who run the CBSA have already been vaccinated. 

Genius of a comment. Congratulations. 

Set up a huge party just off the coast - invite you-tubers, tik-tok stars, social influencers. Roaring 20’s excess! Loud music, beaming laser lights to the heavens, helicopters ferrying in guests, jet boats, booze flowing - then torpedo the fucker.  I’d watch. 

Correct answer. Rich people wouldn’t be buying a 13-yr old Aston because it takes brains (usually)or hard work (usually) to get rich.

Probably not su much...

Well, it is an old song that wasn’t very good.