
Lights from behind the truck shining through the broken back window and onto the inside of the front window. I was puzzled too. 

Time to move...

$135b out of $621b, and it’s called the Infrastructure Bill. Now, I’m glad to have $135b to spend on improving the roads, but that isn’t nearly enough to make a dent. Maybe if the entire $621b was for the roads and the bullshit pork was removed...

A Boomer joke is not clever - it’s duplicative hack. Nice laziness. 

This is the internet sir. The only reaction allowed is to either defend or condemn this in the most extreme manner possible.

My old GT500. At the time, Cher and I were snorting coke like it was aspirin and we had gone on a serious tear across the southwest - just bonking, driving, and snorting our way towards Las Vegas. Somewhere outside of St George (we overshot - that’s how fucked up we were), the Ford dumped its oil on the highway

So let me get this straight - three cars cost more than one car?

And the readers from the other 49 states say “We don’t care.”  

Because when the gov sends you checks for not working, there is an incentive to be a bit lazy in one’s pursuit of improvement. Nasty cycle...

I never read the comments here. Don’t post either. 

Buttons and CRTs. Hell yeah. 

Having driven across France many times over the past 20 years, I never knew that I was not supposed to use the left lane to go straight. It might explain some dirty looks.

Consider the PC4EJ might have an unbalanced opinion before outrage (outrage I say!) should commence. 

1) Buy 911 base.

Vaccines? I’m filling that with walrus meat! Club ’em over the head, cut em up, load up and go! Sweet!

So Ford made a Blazer?

Go tell your parents you want out of the basement - it’s affecting your sanity.

Close enough for me (1969) but I’ll add:

“Auto Trivia for $500, Alex.”

Don’t type “Red Sea” into YouPorn. Just a tip...