
It’s the door the elves use to get some sunshine. 

The Pontiac Coitus T/A

Age is a bigger bitch...

I’m in. I’ll send you a cashiers check for $2m, and you can just send me back the difference.

Absolutely. Efficiency used to mean just-time-deliveries but the smart companies are realizing that some inventory cost might make production more reliable.

Complex” and “disposable” does not make a good combination for the money or the environment.

Only see what you want to see, huh?

So the new non-Texans are complaining about the Texans. Wonderful. Y’all wouldn’t know it if you’ve never been here, but we have a lot of diversity in the cities. Some of it I like, some of it I don’t, but I don’t call the cops on it.

Sí, los pernos deben apretarse. ¡Larga vida a la revolución!

That CEO talks like a 20-something year old from public school.

As a lifelong Texan, I can say that cbatt must be clinically insane. Texas sucks. People take shits in the street. Duels by white people happen daily in downtown cities and inadvertently kill innocent minority children. The food is all made with dirty lard. EV drivers are dragged from their vehicles and hung from

What a genius comment!  So original!

As a parent too, you should have done a better job teaching her.

I’ve spent a lot of my youth in Laredo, Tx and I’m offended that Jeep would take the name of my lovely riverside town and commercialize it.

You can move to the other 49 wonderful states where bliss awaits. Please go. 

Accountability for a human disease?

Don’t poke the methhead please - no one has a functional Land Rover much less a Freelander. 

Looks like a movable whore house. 

You would think a bit of homework from the author would have discovered this as the reason most likely...

If your boss is an asshole, find another job?