if you weren't a narwhal!!
if you weren't a narwhal!!
in my day, dubstep was just the sound of my dial up
im just pointing out that it's a bit ubsurd to still be triffling over something like ME3. Sure, you may have spent upwards of $200 which is a sizable investment to some, but really a real world investment of $200 being lost would probably result in a, "LOL! Yeah, that was dumb...," a month later....
EA, ruining the video game industry since...well....i don't know exactly, but EA sucks.
people are still complaining about ME3's ending? First world problems i guess...
the kill them with kindness tactic doesn't work when the peple you'retrying to kill respond to your cupcake attack with a "thank you"
i lost it at gabe being a ball...lol fat people
no, it's no tera, but it's quite far and away from the "standard" MMO formula, aside from the pressing of keys to use spells and attacks...
I don't know what Soul Reaver is, but I'm about to find out! REBOOT!
you wouldn't be "wrong"
as an industrial designer, this is much easier than people think it is. You don't need fancy laser cut stuff, just a bandsaw, some sandpaper, a torch, heat gun, and of course templates and acrylic.
unless it's life-size it's not worth $350 buckaroonios. Sorry :(
zeppelin performed by trent reznor and karen oh! but yes.
i rarely excited for games, but this and GW2 are up there with excitement!
read; alot of those outcomes seem to be based on race/sex/class, while the major choices seem to be, sacrifice the warden, or accept the ruler's boon. So, while those might be as straight forward limited, it's kind of a stretch to not put it in the same category as the ME franchises choice tree.
I don't want to live on this planet anymore.
personally - while people may be upset - I think it's unreasonable to assume the ME devs would had made an ending that tailors to every decision you've ever made, ever, in ME1 and ME2. I don't think most people can grasp the number of endings these devs would have had to develop to make a set of choices applicable to…
Alot of people are raging, lol.
The minimum specs for GW2 have been released. They were posted on an article at gamebreaker.tv
they've said that the in-game cash shop wouldn't give you an advantage. So that doesn't really apply here. That being said, it'd be an elite skill that has to work for all classes, so it'll be either really OP, or really meh. I'd bank on meh if they've put as much time into balancing as they say they have.