
they got onto Apple's featured list. That's hands down the only reason, forget what anyone else said. Rovio was around a long time before Angry Birds, and Angry Birds was out for a stint before it blew up. It blew up by getting featured on the App Market. Simple as that.

the official mod site has forums that have solutions to all your problems >.> the easiest way is to just downgrade your steam version to

looks more like fear meets bioshock

they're definitely not speaking german lol, sounds finnish or swedish


dat thailand


if im writing with the belief that my audience is simply going to skip what im writing, why would I put forth the effort?

opinion is a strong factor in bias

"If you're a woman, especially a mother, with dinner to prepare, kids' homework to help with, and a lot of other demands on your time, you don't need a game to be 100 hours long to hold your interest "



i'm sure there will be an abundance of cliffs to plummet from lol, perhaps not The Great Collapse, which is (don't quote me) a pretty significant piece of lore

i didnt rush to 50, i leveled with a friend straight through, got me to social V. then i pvp'd, got full champs, then i pve'd and cleared 4/4 and 5/5 nightmare EV/KP...

alot of people are harping on graphics and stability. i watched the BFF report on gamebreaker ([www.gamebreaker.tv]) and the footage they showed from the event has next to flawless fps. idk their specs or in-game settings.

attacking is moba based. there is no auto attack, unless u set a skill to auto attack. you can also dodge certain "skill" shots like in a moba environment. It's very different from your standard MMO.

i think in this case, the invisible walls are meant to block characters from ridiculously ludicrous suicide attempts, not like in GW2 where you couldn't run more than 5 feet into a river, or a having to run around a bush. Like fahey said, he had to go on top of buildings to even FIND the invisible walls, of course,

u haven't tired of swtor yet? impossibru!

if there is sex in this game, i shall be participating.

so, is this a sandbox? cuz that doc seems to be giving him a quest...