
I’m not a doctor, so this is strictly anecdotal, but I have definitely noticed things get dryer when I’ve been taking allergy medicine. I guess it makes sense, since the antihistamines aren’t going to just limit their “powers” to your nose, but it’s still frickin’ annoying!

If you don’t mind an internet stranger using your Photoshop skills to make a deposit into her spank bank, please do!

Ronda, Ronda, Ronda. Just no, honey. I went through early menopause AND I have to take allergy medicine to boot so my ladyflower is as dry as a pressed corsage in the yearbook of a teenager from the 1950s. My partner is extremely giving in the foreplay department, but there’s only so much I/he/we can do on our own, so

I always love these “Stars: Just Like Us!” things. I mean, seriously, what is Alexander Skaarsgard supposed to do with his effing groceries?

It’s a man-orah!

Yeah, never watching this movie because I would not be able to unwatch it.

Hnnnngh, Ray Stevenson. I have a Pavlovian reaction to him where every part of my body that can produce liquid immediately does.

I once had a 103 degree fever and began hallucinating. It looked something like this picture.

No. Nuh-uh. It looks like a demon giving birth. Throw holy water on it at once!

I saw Britney’s show a couple of months ago, and I was amazed to see plenty of empty seats. I was also amazed when, at one point, she was very obviously singing live because she missed a note while dancing. (I’m pretty sure she went back to full lip synching shortly thereafter, though.) The audience, from what I could

I remember reading an interview with someone involved in the show that (and I’ll keep it vague so as not to spoil anyone else) they wouldn’t go that route because it would be WAY too hard to do it in the show for continuity/budget reasons.

Gah, no, WRONG. In the first Contracted it was NOT a one night stand. The main character was roofied and raped. It’s been a while since I saw it, but I distinctly remember her saying no at least once. Netflix made this same mistake in their writeup, but they haven’t changed it despite every other review on there

It’s high noon on my sundial!

I don’t have any younger siblings, so I guess it worked out okay! :D

I would every day of the week and three times on Sunday. I still remember seeing Star Wars in the theater when I was 6 years old and walking out and saying “Han Solo was so CUTE, Mommy!” And then for literally YEARS afterwards, I would drift off to sleep imagining our wedding night. I had no idea what that entailed,

I just saw Britney’s Vegas show last month and god, you’re right! The Vegas show had a few more pelvic thrusts, though.

Oh my god they are so LITTLE. I am feeling so old right now.

Me when I come into work and somebody brought in donuts

My stepmother is Dutch, and she LOVES salty black licorice. Some of it is treated with ammonia chloride and it tastes like it too. I had one once to be polite and it felt like my mouth had died. Never again.

Oh hi, my denim jacket from the 80s! Glad to see you again.