
If you amortize the amount due at signing over the 24 month term, plus the taxes (7% of new car value here in GA), this is a $550/mo lease. $0.66 per mile, plus gas and insurance. Not a very good deal.

Oh! I ‘member!

The only reason non-union employers have similar wages and benefits to union employers is because they have to in order to draw the labor. That’s one of the side perks of unions: They keep other employers honest, too.

I don’t see Playboy readers being into Jags, so the car confuses me. I always think 80's ragged out Camaro’s belching blue smoke.

hate to put a damper on this but...

it’s always been my motto that if they catch me, i deserve it.

Allie is a cool mom. Came here to comment on that wheel package as well, looks so awesome on the Beetle.