
Being able to fill a fuel tank is a game changer over EVs. To me it opens up the market for people with a household of 1 car. I’d consider an EV as a local use only car only because my family has a second car to use for trips and vacations etc. Having to rent a car anytime you travel a decent distance would be a

For optimized power he’s right in a sense. PV=nRT. You cool the gas and you get lower volumetric flow rate (velocity) for the same massflow. That’s the rationale behind the Hot-Valley V8 designs. As you point out, obviously not the only concern. A slightly cooler turbo in a Jetta is probably appropriate to its

I think you just don’t know what you don’t know. At the end of the day all the combustion engines just spin a shaft too. If you put a fence around the ICE all that goes into it is 12 VDC, gas, and air and out comes the spinning shaft and some hot exhaust.

I had one like this. The fan setup always annoyed me. Instead of a fan on the CPU and a case fan they put a cowling on the case fan to point it at the CPU heat sink. In my apartment with no AC in the summer time that thing sounded like a hovercraft trying to make due with one fan. But hey this saved Dell like $3...

Probably less variables, everything that affects a plane affects a car. Cars also have to deal with tire-road interaction, braking, and driving style.

What problem does this solve?

Very interesting. I would think the major immediate effect of a lifted embargo would be to export some of those cars to the US market. Also the used parts that could go into Cuba. If you ever watched that Cuban Chrome show, you can see they had little or no access to parts.

I can’t decide for the one on the left if the grill looks like a giant mouth or a Sam Elliott-style giant cowboy mustache. Either way it needs teeth

For a hybrid system, you typically want generators on the front wheels since they get most of the braking load. Could make for some kind of AWD Mustang?

Smaller than her current car - Check