Kotaku: Why does Soil Calibur continue to objectify women? It’s 2018!
Kotaku: Why does Soil Calibur continue to objectify women? It’s 2018!
Hey, SCIV was pretty good.
So, they can hold the industry as a whole to their standard but can’t even keep their small cadre of professionals together? Seems right.
THAT’S uncluttered and straight-forward? It doesn’t even follow traditional comics reading format. Yuck.
The Developers says it’s not political, but in this day and age EVERYTHING is political, so I’m going to make it political.
The article states that, for the most part, the weather will be controlled by Turn 10 and will affect everyone simultaneously.
Blame Sony: they’re the ones that won’t play nice with everyone else.
Roll. Roll. Roll. Roll. Roll.
I’ve tried all three Witcher games multiple times on multiple platforms. I love RPGs with great combat. I can easily play a game for 100+ hours.
I’m the exact opposite of you. I’ve played every 2D Zelda to completion but cannot play any 3D Zelda to completion - Ocarion and Breath of the Wild included. Give me top-down/isometric ANY day.
Anything made by Sony Studios on the PS3/PS4 (Uncharted, Last of Us, God of War, etc). I’ve tried every single one of them and just didn’t enjoy playing them. They make great movies, however, and I’ve watched the ‘cinematic versions’ on YouTube, but playing them was a chore. Finally sold my PS4 after I was…
Remember how during the last console cycle, it was Sony fans complaining about exclusivity on Xbox and Xbox fans were all ‘lul’.
Shorts AND a purse, no less.
I’ve tried seasoning with S&P, dry rub, marinade, and naked. The difference between all the methods is so negligible, that I just go naked now. I buy the ribs never frozen from a Restaurant Supply store in $70-90 increments, rip the silver and score the back bones, and vacuum pack them in 4-packs (each rib is roughly…
These people aren’t even waiting for the item to be Live before they start complaining about it - just like the jetpack. And just like the jetpack, I’m sure it will be a fun diversion that gives you just as much extra chance to get killed as extra opportunities to get kills.
I used to 100% be behind the pressure cooker method - even above both smoking and grilling - until I actually tried sous vide. Holy. Hell. Beef ribs cooked at 185° for 18-24 hours are damned transcendent. I will never cook a rib another way.
Counterpoint: I will pickaxe fight the hell out of you.
Trolly....troll? Limey?
So, you like the ridiculous/pathetic flopping? Got it.
You’re not wrong. Never I said I was a big fan of what the NBA’s become, either.