
And HOLY SHIT, man. Just looked at your posting history and you have some deep seeded issues. I say this as a friend: Seek help. You obviously need some.

Nope. What is a fact is that you’re a confrontational douche that brings little to nothing to the table. Thanks for contributing, though.

I think you are the only person, sans myself, that has ever believed that 60 fps is not the be-all-end-all. For example, when Halo jumped from 30 to 60 fps (Master Chief Collection, Halo 5) it made for a MUCH worse experience. Not everything needs to blaze by at 60 frames.

It’s tied to your Epic account, so it works on PC, PS4, Xbox, and Mobile for 1 purchase. Each separate Epic account would need to buy their own.


You agreed with the OP, who’s aptly named FortniteisWelfarePUBG.

I’m actually not a fanboy. I might have 75-80 games under my belt in the months since it’s been out. I just get sick of the toxic PUBG players bitching about Fortnite. Seriously, if you like PUBG then go play PUBG. Coming on to Fortnite articles to bitch about Fortnite is fanboy shit.

Ba dum tish!

Oh, I know. Sometimes I liked to feed them to see how long it takes to devolve into simple name calling. I’m betting on his next reply I get some gold material. ;)

So, exactly what I said without the paraphrasing, got it. I’m sorry that you expected an itemized, point-by-point breakdown of every word spoken between the two. The gist is A) Bluehole doesn’t like that Fortnite is so similar to PUBG and B) EPIC referenced PUBG in Fortnite’s advertising. The only interesting thing is

Yeah, except for the fact that I have “[researched] things instead of believing myths on boards”. I also read that one of the developers at Bluehole said “After listening to the growing feedback from our community and reviewing the gameplay for ourselves, we are concerned that Fortnite may be replicating the

It’s. Not. Pub. G.

That’s fine, but the point of his and your posts is what the game should do in your eyes (be more like PUBG) instead of what it tries so hard not to do (be less like PUBG), on an article about Fortnite no less. Like, we get it. Some people prefer the other game; that’s cool. At this point, however, people giving

And the millions of people playing it, and having fun with it, disagree. You’re free to your opinion, mate. I personally hate Metroid Prime: I just don’t go on Metroid Prime articles complaining about how much I don’t enjoy Metroid Prime. I let people enjoy the things the enjoy and try myself to find thing that I like

I paid $29.99 for PUBG and played it a handful of times. I found it to be drab, unintuitive, and somewhat boring. The only thing I found fun about the game was the someone random, and somewhat silly, nature of the frying pan. Take away the survival aspect of the game, and it is a very, very dull shooter.

“Could be a good game if it was PUBG”.

Do you want a DC Universe, because THAT’S HOW YOU GET A DC UNIVERSE!


Or maybe the reason it’s so popular is because they’re willing to experiment and add new things to the game. I’m personally excited to log in tonight to try out the new LMG, just as I was for the Port-A-Fort, and just like I was for the Guided Missile. It’s fun because the game is constantly changing, both in-game

Yup. Now I don’t have to even pretend I might buy it.