Matthew Phillips

Tesla model was what I believe I’d seen. The bigger problem is that as far as I know they haven’t started retrofitting their factory to actually be able to mass produce these yet, so I have to think that as of now they’re planning on stall building each one. 

Yeah, they are hard to find. But that’s part of what makes them cool. 4Runners are sweet but I see a dozen a day.

Suburban FTW. I had a Yukon of that vintage. The cheapo plastic interior was an embarrassment, but the drive train was legit and it was comfy as hell.

You’re not the target audience for this product. You know how to connect things to a stereo.

I didn’t really get that from Killmonger. Without spoiling the film, yes he’s irredeemably evil, but he’s even hinted at his descent and process because he had an end goal he spent his whole life training for. As a dude born in American who who’s parent are Nigerian immigrants, I saw both T’Challa and Erik’s views as

Danke! ♥ I sort of love the baffled responses. You’d think by now everyone on Jalopnik would know me, but as it turns out there are a lot more readers than I think there are!

Just two?

They sell the Pajero Sport over here in New Zealand

All good. :)

There’s a Stranger Things ad here somewhere.

Love it. Holler for G-troit. Sweet tag line they came up with. That screen was nuts.

I like the call, but I raise

pretty sure that’s a lambo, dude!

GM already did it.

I kinda checked out about 15 minutes in.

I’m not sure what part of the country you live in, but this attitude is extremely prevalent here in the midwest. I’ve been on the receiving end of many snarky remarks about my s2000 and 300zx, both of which are bone stock. What I’ve gathered is this part of the country is firmly in the ‘Merica camp - anything else is

I had a friend in highschool that was publicly hating on “rice rockets” and in an attempt to find some common ground, I pointed out that yes, base model civics with gigantic wings and stick-on vents are worthy of ridicule, but surely he had to respect cars like the Acura NSX and Toyota Supra? No, his response was that

My Miata is giving me the stink eye and my Grand Marquis is winking coyishly; meanwhile my Midget raises it’s hand asking for attention.

And when you’re done with all of that... it’s still a Crown Vic.