Matthew Phillips

And if that wicked jump doesn’t get you, you’ll definitely die from alcohol intoxication after drinking away the pain of having killed the absolutely cutest little thing in the world.

If that’s your cylinder compression while running, well, get a bicycle....

Basically, you thread a tool (which you can rent at any car parts store—though I’d recommend you skip O’Reilly, as their tools suck) into the spark plug hole, put the throttle all the way down, and crank the engine over (remove the coil wire or fuel pump relay so she doesn’t fire).

As the piston goes up on the

I thought crunchy roll did give or buy the licensing so you can view the anime?

That description is nope as fuck. Working on your wedding day out of some sense of vocational obligation? Perhaps admirable in a dedication sense, but so depressing from every other aspect. Love what you do and all that, but getting fucked over a barrel in the process? Nah. I like my wife and kid and golf too much for

Try driving a Miata around all the jacked up Brodozers.

1st. As someone that driver an averaged height hatchback, please don’t tell SUV owners they need better lights. This shit already shines right in the rear and front glass at night to a blinding degree. My next car could be an SUV just because I am tired of being constantly blinded by them because I am lower to the

David defeats 16 Goliaths. Some of them shoot lasers. You will feel emotions you would not expect to feel in a video game.

Guess I was just dumb a figuring the colossi out. I also spent a looot of time exploring around in general. But it miiight be a bit of a generous figure.

Please update the controls....please

Hmm but does it have jump jets:

I mean, did you see that Land Cruiser?! For that price, all you get is an OK-condition Wrangler TJ with a 4.0-liter. The LC is more vehicle for the buck.

The XJ would have been a good choice, but I’d rather keep all those for myself.

10/10 would pay that much for a BRZ with a turbo.

Fucking Volvos. Any of them lol.

They didn’t go overboard at all - I say this as someone whose GT application was denied.

Holy shit.

Before I bought my current Mustang GT, I was cross shopping between the Mustang, the Audi S3, and the BMW M235i. They were all comparably priced (mid-$40K range) and had comparable performance. I’m youngish for that price range (was 33 at the time), and it was a weekend, so I was dressed in relatively ratty jeans and

If you were out next to the river taking pictures when you saw Cuomo and de Blasio both being swept away by floodwaters, and you could only save one of them, would you use f2.8 to isolate their faces or f16 to maximize depth of field?

If you care what the other car owners think, this is not the car for you. Especially when they are behind you.