Matthew Phillips

I learned how to drive at 17 in my dads old explorer sport, he taught me to park first so it would Be a few weeks before I would actually drive it. It was squishy.

After the SHO I’m probably going to end up with a spinning taco as well... or a Datsun...

bought a 5-speed SHO for $400 last week... really good ones are around the $1500-4000 mark if you can find one.

It’s in my driveway

This!!!!! I just commented what this thing really looks like!!!!

Unless you buy the two tone top, that C-pillar gives me nightmares of the first gen and first gen refresh of the Jeep Compass

....They are BFF’s I wouldn’t be surprised if she got her drunk and Lorde accidentally wrote it.

...Kristin are you in the 1%

American Nostalgia, everyone likes war heroes. and they’re fun second cars. After my Pacifica or Sable, I’m probably going to add a third Jeep to my portfolio. Either a Cj or a YJ.

....I’ve learned to realize that I haven’t owned nice cars. When a 2012 Compass blows them out if the water in quality.

I applied anyway because I don’t have 6.5mil social media followers...

If I don’t get a Used RF I’m getting a BRZ.

Well, I’ve only had my XB1S for a month so I’ll wait a couple of years.... maybe....

No... Cars are meant for driving. If I wanted a full size Hotwheel I still would drive it.

Having spent a few months driving through Seattle and Snohomish what you need is a Mustang....

I just love the fact that it actually moves at a decent speed.

charge straight to hell for that one...

German Corvette Solstice... I’m ok with that !

Kung Fury

I hate leather.... this makes me happy.