Matthew Phillips

If I don’t get a Used RF I’m getting a BRZ.

Well, I’ve only had my XB1S for a month so I’ll wait a couple of years.... maybe....

No... Cars are meant for driving. If I wanted a full size Hotwheel I still would drive it.

Having spent a few months driving through Seattle and Snohomish what you need is a Mustang....

I just love the fact that it actually moves at a decent speed.

charge straight to hell for that one...

German Corvette Solstice... I’m ok with that !

Kung Fury

I hate leather.... this makes me happy.

I found this feature by accident the other day. I assumed she could already do it.

I’ve driven a non-SRT Neon a few times... still... very.. fun

Have you driven a non SRT Neon, those suckers are still fun.

any car meet where Crown vics are welcome are cool to me.

.....Been there done that. I value my time too much. If I can’t bike there in thirty minutes I’m driving.

...I...really... dislike CG anime :/

black is an attractive color, and driving 15-35 old cars everyday makes you used to stripper models. Can’t wait to get out of school. This is first new car eligible.

I need two...

....I pay $1.88-2.10 a gallon...

Get an XJ... end of story

It’s safe to do that on Wrangler because BOF.. I laugh when XJ guys do it without reinforcing our unibody Pancakes.