Matthew Phillips

I’ve been buying car parts on Amazon since my first car. I thought I was so trendy. those struts for the liftgate of my XJ are still $26... I need to hop on that.

The M2 would be the better car anyway, right ?

60K is the we don’t want to build it price.

Supra Gazoo

Not enough people voted. The idiots who voted for Harambe and Bernie Sanders, despite him not being registered as a Write-in, are the reason he won.

I would love this.

That’s why I’m not even mad, whats probably going to happen is either Erin or Levi will be black.. That’s my prediction and people will lose their minds.

This is a good idea because the cast could be any race except Mikasa who is the only Asian... They can get as diverse as they wanted to.

Now playing

Speed racer was brilliant, especially the last instrumental track.

I got lucky then, my neighbors called the cops on me when i was fixing my Crown vic and driving it around the complex to see if it was working right. The cops trapped me in then ran my plates, after finding out I lived three houses down, they let me go.

That truck is unholy and reeks of evil

I’m at work so silence was my only option. 100% recommend to appreciate.

XJ’s are worth no more than 3k clean. this prolly has about 10k in it.

I own one of these. Those front tires are a great way to kiss guard rail.

I had the pleasure of having Jill Biden as my english teacher a few times I’ve only seen her really upset twice.

Depends where you live. in DC, NY..etc yes just get a bicycle

you really have to not value your time to rely on public transportation all the time. Did it for a few years while the car was down or unavailable at all. It works, but I hate it.

Which is also a target buyer.

That looks horrible...

I have an XJ and had a WJ...