Matthew Phillips

I feel like you guys are overplaying a bad joke by hopping on the Bayformer movie franchise hate train.... the joke is ten years old now. These images are actually pretty cool visually and represent what these films really are. A visual piece of work hidden behind behind fart jokes and boobs... like Deadpool.

I thought it was in line with newer optimus primes sicknof megs sh**

You’re welcome

I want a C3 so badly :/

Yes, because airplane...

 Buy the plane and F*** anyone’s opinion on what you drive. If it’s really an issue sell the minivan and fix the CJ. Minivans are comfy, can carry your cranky judgemental passengers for free, and cheap. it’s there use it.

You’ll need all 10 for one !

you should clear up the title. I’m a virginia native and there is a Tesla Store in Tyson’s corner (northern VA). Tesla has more than one store here.

Get a Land Rover.

...If I have kids they need to start at the bottom then work themselves up. I’ll even be nice and buy them a toolkit for Christmas.

Thank you


Dear goodness... This is not how I wanted to get COTD fame...

Mine seized at 345k ;)

That’s the the same exlorer I had :D

That bar got Juked with the damages.

15 MPG, instant death upon rollover and endless problems. At least get a Sport Trac :/

I really enjoyed the refreshed Compass. The Pre-refresh model is honestly why is has that stigma behind it, you guys may hate it, but I’m curious how many of you have actually spent time in one. If i ever see one with 150-200k for 1500-2k in the future I would buy one as a winter beater.

still better than my 98 Explorer.