Matthew Phillips

All I see are space hipsters =_=

actually the point of the game is to collect these notes and try not to be killed by slenderman who might appear anywhere...

I tried everything, but that pin goes through too much stress to be glued back in, If I found the parts I can fix it, and I had the chance to buy a new ng red, but I bought another kit instead... I'm not going to buy a new kit for two parts.

My NG Red frame has no right arm due to the pin cracking while I was building it... I left it as is and it looks bad ass with the sword in the other arm...

How about we get a review from someone completely neutral on the series, that last Io9 review was a joke to those of us who were curious and plan to enjoy these films.


aka black women scream for no reason.

This looks like aSpyker tried to put on Gallardo's old dress.....

It will look great in my Whole Foods Parking lot ;)

I remember driving to the Laundromat and seeing a Black 2G probe wearing the wheels off a current Focus St and thinking that's one of the sexiest things I've ever seen.

None of you have ever replaced a radiator or the passenger side headlamp bulb on a 1994 Ford Taurus. Your argument is Void

Thats... awesome

Humanity rebuilt itself after the war against the Sky Golems. I lived in east Gola growing up, East Gola was one of the four city's that were built our triumph. It made sense that property would be cheaper the Closer you lived to the wrist. My Great Grand Father being the cheap bastard he is, claimed the property the

I do this as well for kicks and giggles every now and then. Meh :/

....mine is sexier

I own a 94 sedan,(the most attractive Taurus imo), and I would buy another for $500

I really enjoyed MOS.....

It's been sixty years since the war, my kind was nearly wiped out and we feed on those who refused to aid us. The fiends who drank at out tables, accepted out gifts of comfort and hospitality, but when it came to picking sides, they stood on their own hiding like the cowards they are. We have learned since then, that

....That's Gurren Lagann though....