Counterpoint - Manufactures are reviving nameplates expressly to profit off of your rose colored memories of that plate.
Counterpoint - Manufactures are reviving nameplates expressly to profit off of your rose colored memories of that plate.
Sometimes things go wrong and make your day absolute hell. Sometimes, you just have to begin a year by chasing your…
I mean I guess its just numbers game. If you have 500,000 viewers/subscribers/what ever. If only 1% of them give money thats still 5000 people. If on average those 5000 are giving $1 a week, for each individual person that is less than $5 a month and can be treated as throw away money. For the streamer that is >$20k a…
Over the past few weeks we’ve looked at thread checkers to identify nuts and bolts, battery desulfators and heat-shri…
Hot take: this car and the class it runs in are lame as shit
In recent weeks I’ve fallen deeply in love with tiny Japanese cars. I recently made it a goal to buy a Honda Beat…
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Ya know, every now and then I get to wondering what it would be like to be a white man in America. Just to feel invincible and know that no harm will come to you if you, I don’t know, STORM THE FUCKING CAPITAL!
Never have I been so angry about being an American.
Today’s small-displacement motorcycles pack an impressive punch for their size and price. Some small bikes are good…
As an aviation and motorcycle enthusiast, I’ve long wanted to combine my passions into one. Riding a motorcycle is …
The way I’ve been living isn’t sustainable, let’s be real.
Five years of great fun, though! Definitely lived the dream buying every car I ever wanted (I know, I have cheap taste), road-tripping, wrenching, etc etc.
But I’m gonna reel it in just a bit.