

Thank you for this article, Elizabeth. Representation matters because in most any car group setting I feel like I'm the only one. Shout out to my fellow gay Jalops! Heyyyy!

I think you’re misinterpreting the quote. You’re correct that inclusivity is about lifting unheard voices, but inclusivity also asks that we quiet the voices that have traditionally dominated the conversation in order to make space for those unheard voices. It’s about leveling the playing field: that straight guy has

Thank you for the kind words! I completely understand the frustration you can have with the comments section. It can be really disheartening to find that so many people you spend time with can be incredibly intolerant. Every so often, I get really down on racing for the same reason. And then I find an organization

Last year in Austin before the F1 race, my wife and I drove up to meet our fellow Jalops, and some of the writers for the site. We ended up hanging out and sharing a table with a two really cool young men, and about 30 minutes into our conversation, I realized they were an item.

I only recently heard about Out Motorsports a few weeks ago. Somebody shared a post about them in a Midwest racing group on Facebook and I bought a t-shirt immediately. If my wearing it ever helps anybody feel more welcome, excellent. I didn’t know they had memberships. I’ll be happy to join today.

I am sorry and you’re right - this rant is specifically directed at those that are choosing to fly and don’t have to. I used to be on a plane twice a week, almost every week. Loved it. Flight attendants knew me. I was friends with the bartenders in the lounges in multiple airports. I MISS flying, so much, and I miss

or... educate your fucking self and then make an effort to educate your readers.

I know, right? A few hundred dead people and these whiners just won’t shut the fuck up. I mean, who gives a shit about dead people?

Not riding in one of these things. If I have to physically look at the plane it’s too late. I can look at the booking information before ticketing, but if that’s vague, and I suspect they’ll keep it that way, then what? It looks like Flightaware.com will tell you what kind of plane it is. Flightaware only goes out a

Thank you! I’ve been commenting on this site since 2009 and always wondered what it took to get out of the grays... turns out all I had to do was ask!

Despite being forever in the grays and never having my posts seen, I’m still going to comment on this anyhow...