So’s your mom; but you love her, right?
So’s your mom; but you love her, right?
So let’s put him on t-shirts so the hip college kids can wear to school to show how rad they are! Our guy didn’t kill as many as Hitler!! Yay! That’s some smug bullshit. If it was okay for Castro to kill thousands and repress millions for some shitty 2-tier health care and school, then why the fuck is the left…
Damn. That was a great post.
The prospect of the whiny left Godwining themselves for the next four/eight years makes me want to fart loudly.
I think one of the many reasons why Democrats lost is their inability to see any issue as anything other than a binary choice. Oh, don’t like Hillary? Then you are a: sexist, racist, homophobic, fill in the blank. This whole “you’re either for us or against us” sloganeering was pretty widely denounced by the left…
Medicore? Goddamn, that Michigan degree is serving you well!
The solution, then, is to put more fucking quarters in the meter, dummy. Every asshole on the planet whines to the meter guy “but I was just leaving.” He’s smirking at you because you’re unoriginal.
Uh, you’ve besmirched the Michigan Man with your failure to include. At Michigan, the athletes threaten female athletes with more rape if they rat out their brother athletes for raping them. Top that, Harvard!
Uh, Michelle, that wasn’t that great of a put down the first time you used it; it’s certainly not the last 2,372 times.
“Signed on the stolen, sacred soil that was renamed ‘America?’” You had me until this happy horseshit. As if native Americans had some sacred right to the land that superceded all other claims because they were “sacred?” There is no group of people anywhere that did not take their land from the sad sacks who held it…
Calm down, Francis. Where was your passion and eloquence when Bill was raping half of Arkansas?
Jesus, I’ve never met a convict who won’t use a $5 word where a $1 word will do. And usually incorrectly. Must use Strunk and White’s Death Row edition.
To quibble a bit with your younger self; the short stop doesn't imbalance the field. On the left field side you have the SS and 3B; on the right field side you have the 2B and 1B.
Dong you very much.